I’ve forgotten how to dream. I’ll be the first to admit that. In college, when Dusten and I started dating, he says he was most attracted to my sense of adventure. My fearlessness about the future and sense of adventure were with me through college and probably early into my marriage when we renovated our house. But somewhere along the way, somewhere in the mundane day-to-day life of wake, parent, work, parent, sleep cycle I’ve forgotten how to dream about the future.
I can plan my way through anything – concrete plans that are attached to some fixed date in the future. I’m notorious for thinking about the holiday plans in August. For example, my Christmas shopping has already commenced and I’m pretty sure which Christmas Cards we are going to order. I can plan and execute any event large or small, but rarely do I provide the vision any more.

We’ve been asking Grayson and his friends lately what they want to be when they grow up. His response varies from astronaut to construction worker, but I always respond with, “you can be anything you want.” I don’t want him to lose the amazement at life’s choices just yet. When did we lose this sense of wonder about the future? When did I forget how to dream and just start executing plans?
I wonder if some of the reason we don’t dream anymore is because of a global pandemic. I wonder if fear or at the very least, uncertainty about the future keeps us weighed down – stuck to the present moment just trying to survive.
But what if…what if we dreamed for a moment? What does it take to get us in that headspace where we can absentmindedly think about the future? Daydream if you will. What if we put aside having to execute this dream and just dreamed for the sake of dreaming. Don’t ask yourself what the “five-year-plan” is, but instead, ask “what do I want my life to look like in five years”. Perhaps a play on the old question “If money was no object…”
Take away the inhibition that comes from having to execute a plan and just think. Just dream a little and see where it takes you. Are you ready to do that with me?